Channel Management

Channel Management

Global order promising > Workspaces > Channel management

Workspaces enable users by displaying module data in multiple ways.

The Global Order Promising module offers the Channel management workspace, which displays tiles with overall counts, lists of current data, and multiple charts to summarize GOP data.

Initial views surround channel demand and exception handling.

You can add additional views, as desired.

 Channel Metrics

Channel Metrics

Select a Channel ID, Site, and/or Warehouse to filter the displayed results.

The tiles display the number of pending budget exceptions, demand validation exceptions, item substitution action messages, backorders, and fulfillment orders for the selected filter.

Click a tile to navigate to that form to view details:



Select a Channel ID, Site, and/or Warehouse to filter the displayed results.

The tabs display channel demand, budget exceptions, and budgets near depletion for the selected filter.

Click a channel ID, item number, or order number to view details.



Select a channel ID to filter the displayed results.

The graphs display unfulfilled vs. satisfied quantity and average profit margin for the selected channel ID.

 Related Links

Click the links to navigate to forms related to data displayed on the workstation.


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