


USPS APIs is the only USPS integration that Supply Chain Cloud supports. See USPS APIs Migration Guide for more information.

USPS Carrier Information
  • GSS Test Label Generation Updates Effective October 15, 2023, the GSS system introduced limitations on the quantity of test labels generated in the demo/test environment, https://gss.usps.com/gssv2demo. By default, the test label activation period is set at 8 weeks. Under this new update, the GSS system will enforce a maximum limit on the number of test labels per mailer, regardless of the number of locations or users per location. Once a mailer’s test label count reaches 50 or the 8-week period expires (whichever comes first), the system will prevent the creation of additional labels. When the threshold for either the test label count (50) or the 8-week timeframe is reached, users will be restricted from processing.

  • USPS APIs Migration Guide
  • See the USPS section on the Ship FAQs page.

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