Event Log

The Event Log displays system business transaction details, including documents, requests, and workflow actions.

These logs may be useful when troubleshooting.


All records older than 30 days are deleted.

Select a tab to review the corresponding transactions.

You can also filter by severity and/or date.

APIRequests and responses to API endpoints.
LTL APIRequests and responses to LTL API endpoints.
ChannelRequests and responses in workflow channels.
ConnectorConnector requests and responses. 

Saved business documents.


Permission errors.

ProcessWorkflow processor logs, warnings, and errors.
Status Evaluator

Logs detailing automatic system changes driven by statuses of child transactions.

ValidationWorkflow validation logs, warnings, and errors.
WorkflowAdvance Status and AutoFire workflow actions and the related transaction requests.


You can download or preview a log, if needed.

Event Log Tab

Click the Event Log tab on each of the business transaction summary pages to view details for that business transaction.

See Purchase Order SummaryShipment Summary, and Transportation Tender Summary for more information.


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