Transportation Tender Summary

Transportation Tender Summary

The Transportation Tender Summary page allows you to view tender details.

Use this page to view the workflow status bar, add and message participants, upload relevant documents, and more.


 General Tab

This tab displays general information about the tender.


Depending on your configuration and status, you may see the Participants option on the General tab.

Click the envelope icon to open the Contact Participants pop-up window.

Add recipients who want to receive notifications for this business transaction.

You can also select an attached document(s) to send to the selected recipients (see Documents Tab).

 Delivery Tab

This tab displays delivery information about the tender.

 Bid Tab

This tab displays bid details, if applicable.

 Event Log Tab

This tab displays Event Log details.

The download icon is enabled if you are using a workflow connector to send information back to a host system.

 Messages Tab

This tab displays messages tied to the business transaction.

New or Edit Message

Click New to create a message. Click Edit to edit a message.

This opens a pop-up window where you can add a message and choose whether to notify all participants linked to the business transaction.

Delete Message

Select the desired message and click Delete.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.


You can only edit or delete messages that you created.

 Stops Tab

This tab displays stop details, if applicable.

Click Invoice to create a new freight invoice. See New Freight Invoice for more information.

 Freight Invoices Tab

This tab displays freight invoice details, if applicable and configured.

For more information, see Freight Invoices.

 Bids Tab

This tab displays bid details, if applicable.

You can configure your workflow so that you can accept bids from this tab.

 Fixed Route Details Tab

This tab displays fixed route details, if applicable.

You can exclude stops if you have the correct permissions.

 Overview Tab

This tab displays overview details, including dates.

See Generic Dates for information on creating custom date fields.

 Documents Tab

This tab allows you to maintain all documents for the business transaction.

You can upload new documents or download or view current documents.

Click New to attach a document.

Select a document type and then select the file you wish to attach.

Click Save to return to the summary page.

See General Tab for information on sending attached documents to selected recipients.

 Custom Reports Tab

This tab displays attached reports, if applicable.

See Custom Reports for more information.


The buttons available depend on the status of the tender and your workflow configuration.

EditClick this button to edit the tender.
DeleteClick this button to delete the tender.

If you have freight invoicing enabled, you can click this button to create a freight invoice.

See New Freight Invoice for more information.

Schedule Pickup

Click this button to capture a pickup time.

See Multi-Stop Support for more information.

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