Reference Fields

Reference Fields

Supply Chain Cloud functionality includes the ability add reference fields.


Warehouse management > Setup > Containers > Container packing policies

If the Manifest requirements for container field or the Manifest requirements for shipment field is set to Transportation management, eight parameters are added to the ATOTmsProcessXML_Base_Extension.

Please check with individual carriers to see how many reference fields are accepted.

Four container-level reference fields:

Four shipment-level reference fields:

These parameters need to be set with the desired label information when the container information is to be initialized.

The XML nodes for these fields will be written in the correct location for the carrier's label.

Manifesting by Shipment Suggestion

If you want to override the container-level reference fields when manifesting by shipment, you can extend writeShipContainer off of TMSProcessXML_Shipment. The parameters will be available in writeShipContainer.

  1. Navigate to the TMSProcessXML_Shipment.
  2. Extend writeShipContainer.
  3. Fill in the values for the reference field parameters prior to the next call.

Code example:

Additional Resources

Label Reference Fields


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