Activity Scheduling

Activity Scheduling

Logistics Execution > Common > Activities > Activity Scheduling

The Activity Scheduling form is used for activity planning and coordination.

  • Assign unique assets to fulfill each activity.
  • Assign activities to workers.

Use the Scheduling options field to select how to add resources/activities.

After each assignment, you must validate the individual activity. Any changes to the activity's resources require another validation. 

 Scheduling Grid

The Activity Scheduling form is a visual tool to plan activities.

  • Use the Scheduling options field to plan activities in whichever way is most useful. 
  • Assign demand to drivers, activities, or assets.

When demand is attached, the grid populates with estimated transit and stop times for the activity. Drag these objects to change the estimated times.

 Demand Pairing Table

The Demand Pairing Table is the right side of the Activity Scheduling form.

Use the Demand Filtering Options section to filter demand by facilities, service area groups, and service areas.

The Filter section displays open logistics orders that can be paired.


Any filtering done in the Demand Filtering Options section affects which logistics orders appear on the Demand Pairing Table.

Pairing Options

Select a logistics order and select one of the Pair options to attach the logistics order to the activity selected in the Scheduling Grid.

Pair All

Click Pair All to pair the logistics order origin and destination to the activity.

All logistics orders lines, when paired, are inserted as activity lines.

A logistics order paired in this manner is removed from the Demand Pairing Table when it is completed.

Pair Origin

Click Pair Origin to pair only the logistics order origin.

The origin is inserted as an activity line. The activity destination remains unchanged.

A logistics order paired in this manner does not complete upon arriving at the destination so it remains in the Demand Pairing Table.

Pair Destination

Click Pair Destination to pair only the logistics order destination.

The destination is inserted as an activity line. The activity origin remains unchanged.

A logistics order paired in this manner completes when it arrives at the destination and is removed from the Demand Pairing Table.

Add to Activity

Click Add to Activity to pair a logistics order to an activity without pairing the destination or the origin.

At the time of pairing, neither the origin nor the destination are inserted as activity lines.

A logistics order paired in this manner does not complete upon arriving at the destination so it remains in the Demand Pairing Table.

Handling Unit Pair

Click Handling Unit Pair to select the handling units to pair from a table.

Preview Pair

Click Preview Pair to view an unpaired logistics order's affect on multiple paired activities.


This feature must be enabled on the Parameters form.

Enter a number in the Lead Days field to determine how far in advance preview pair functionality searches for comparable activities.

Example: If set to 5, any activities that have a start date within 5 days of the requested date/time of the logistics order/line are considered for preview. 

 Activity Lines

The Activity Lines section displays, in order, the route for the activity.

You can adjust the route sequence, optimize the route, and merge/unmerge lines.

Optimize Route

You can optimize routes two ways:

  • With Scientific Logistics: If you have a Sci-Log integration, the system sends the route for optimization. 
  • Without Scientific Logistics: The system utilizes a traveling salesman algorithm to sequence your stops to achieve the least mileage across the activity.

Sustainability: Reduce Transportation

Optimize routes by sequencing stops to achieve the lowest total mileage.

See Sustainability with Supply Chain Cloud for more information.

Other Options

 Change Mode of Delivery

The Activity Scheduling form has Change mode of delivery functionality on the ribbon.

Click Change mode of delivery to open a flyout window that allows you to change warehouse-based demand on an activity to a different mode of delivery.

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