Customer Budget Group

Customer Budget Group

Global order promising > Setup > Budget > Customer budget group

The customer budget group allows customers to be grouped together when considering budgets.

When setting up a budget, you can then select this group to include all specified customers.

This can be helpful when configuring budgets for your channels.

Customer budget group IDUnique identifier for the customer budget group.
DescriptionDescription of the customer budget group.
Customer budget group line

Define the customers to group together to leverage during budget processing.

Budget Pools

Customer Group Pool

  • If the budget scope is set to Customer group pool and customer group budget overrides are set up, item budgets can be tracked at the customer group level.

  • If the budget scope is set to Customer group pool but no customer group overrides are set up, the budget record amount is used as a shared "pool" across all customers, whether part of a customer group or not.

Utilize Pool Budget on Exceed

  • If customers are part of a customer group with the Utilize pool budget on exceed override budget option selected, the override amount is consumed first, then the "pool" amount.


  • If customers are part of a customer group that has an overridden amount specified, that budget amount is separate and consumed outside the "pool" amount.


Example A

The "pool" budget amount is 200. CustGroup A has an override budget of 100. CustGroup B has an override budget of 150.

All customers that do not fall into CustGroup A or CustGroup B share the "pool" budget of 200.

CustGroup A has a separate budget of 100 and CustGroup B has a separate budget of 150.

Example B

The same settings as Example A, but the Utilize pool budget on exceed checkbox is selected on the CustGroup B record.

CustGroup A has a budget of 100 (only). CustGroup B has its own budget of 150 and can additionally consume the shared "pool" of 200.

All customers that do not fall into CustGroup A or CustGroup B share the "pool" budget of 200.

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