Channel Safety Net

Channel Safety Net

Global order promising > Setup > Demand Channel Template > Channel safety net button

You can set up safety nets to allow inventory to be withheld and "soft reserved" to a channel when there is no demand to consume it.

Sustainability: Stabilize Inventory

Mitigate risk around urgent orders by keeping inventory on-hand instead of expediting to fulfill requests.

See Sustainability with Supply Chain Cloud for more information.

This is useful when you want stock available in case an order for that channel comes in because it has a high priority.

The "soft reservation" to a channel is only in relation to a particular reservation run. If multiple channels are being processed in a reservation run, safety nets are applied based on the sequence in which channels are evaluated during reservation processing.


If Channel 1 has a safety net of 25 units, then when the Channel 2 reservation runs, the 25 "soft allocated" Channel 1 units are not available for reservation.

Header Section

Budget item group IDUnique identifier for the Budget Item Group.
DescriptionDescription of the channel safety net record.
Channel IDChannel ID for the current record.

Scope Section

Defines the scope for the safety net within the channel.

Safety nets are a value per item in the Channel Budget, not per customer.

The only scope limitation can be for a given site/warehouse, if desired.

Dimension numberThe internal dimension number for the designated site/warehouse.
SiteThe site for this safety net record (if desired).
WarehouseThe warehouse for this safety net record (if desired).

Details Section

Safety net calculation method

How the safety net value calculates:

  • Number of units: Safety net value is treated directly as a number of units.
  • Percentage of physical available: Safety net value is treated as a calculated number of units based on a configured percentage of inventory available.
Safety net unit ID

Unit of measure to be used when using the Number of units calculation method.

If not specified, inventory unit is used.

Safety net value

If using the Number of units calculation method, indicates the number of UOMs to use as a safety net.

If using the Percentage of physical available calculation method, indicates a percentage of inventory to keep available.

Allow safety net to surpass budget?

Turn on this toggle to allow the "soft allocated" safety net to exceed the remaining budgeted amount for the channel.

Excess safety net amountDesignates by much the budget can be exceeded.

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