

Some actions in the system trigger the need to run demand validation again. These actions are determined based on the validation step itself.


Demand that failed past-due invoices validation should be revalidated if a payment is posted for that customer.


If validation was already rejected, the deliver remainder was set to zero and cannot be automatically revalidated.

When revalidation is needed, validation results, validation exceptions, and channel demand validation status are updated. This frees up demand to go through the validation processes again.

Credit Check Revalidation

The Credit check revalidation threshold percentage processing parameter controls the order value percent change that should trigger credit check revalidation.

When a payment journal is posted, the credit limit of the customer changes.

When the order value percentage change is greater than the value threshold, revalidation is triggered.

Customer PO Revalidation

When the customer requisition field is updated on the sales order, revalidation is triggered.

Past Due Invoices Revalidation

When a payment journal is posted for a customer, revalidation is triggered.

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