DHL Express Configuration

DHL Express Configuration

The carrier configuration page allows you to view and configure settings for DHL Express.

The page is divided into two sections:

  1. Carrier configurations for carrier-level settings and default settings.

  2. Service configurations that allow the administrator to enable/disable individual services and to override any header values.


Several of the fields in both sections are used for future ship date functionality. See Future Ship Date for more information.

1| DHL Express Configurations

You can configure the fields in this section at the carrier level.


  • You must have edit permissions to edit these fields.
  • Several of these fields are used when packing within Supply Chain Cloud; they are not used if you are connecting to Supply Chain Cloud from an external system.
 General Tab

Manifest Trigger

Select when containers should be manifested (tracking number is assigned, label is printed):

  • Close Container
  • Confirm Shipment
API CredentialsSelect whether Production or Test credentials are used when interacting with the carrier's API.
Automatically Adjust Ship Date

Turn on this toggle to enable the carrier to adjust the ship date based on time zone, carrier cutoff, and non-shipping date settings.

Cutoff Time

Set the time the carrier picks up its shipments. 

Any shipments processed after this time will be scheduled for the next shipping day.


This field respects Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 

For example: FedEx picks up at 6 PM UTC. Anything processed after 6 PM UTC is set to ship the next day. 

Saturday Pickup

Turn on this toggle to enable Saturday as a shipping day for the carrier.

Sunday Pickup

Turn on this toggle to enable Sunday as a shipping day for the carrier.


The Saturday Pickup and Sunday Pickup toggles are used to determine the next shipping date only. They do not trigger accessorials or contact carriers about weekend pickups.

 Document Tab

Shipping Label Document Format

Select the format for shipping labels:

  • PDF
  • ZPL 


This field defaults to ZPL.

2| Service Configurations

You can configure the fields in this section at the carrier-service level.


Values specified at the carrier-service level override those at the carrier level.


Select this checkbox to enable a carrier service for use. 

This narrows the list of services to only those the administrator allows.


Displays the service name.

Manifest Trigger

Select when containers are manifested (tracking number is assigned, label is printed):

  • Use Carrier Configuration
  • Close Container
  • Confirm Shipment
Override Cutoff

Turn on this toggle to override the cutoff time, Saturday pickup, and Sunday pickup configurations in the carrier section at the top of the page for this service.

Cutoff Time

Set the time the carrier picks up its shipments for this service. 

Any shipments processed after this time will be scheduled for the next shipping day.


This field respects Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 

For example: FedEx picks up at 6 PM UTC. Anything processed after 6 PM UTC is set to ship the next day. 

Saturday PickupTurn on this toggle to enable Saturday as a shipping day for this service.
Sunday PickupTurn on this toggle to enable Sunday as a shipping day for this service.


The Saturday Pickup and Sunday Pickup toggles are used to determine the next shipping date only. They do not trigger accessorials or contact carriers about weekend pickups.

Carrier Information

See Carrier Information for details about supported carriers.

Custom Carriers

See Custom Carriers for information about creating carriers that do not come with the system.

Advanced Options

See Advanced for additional configuration options.

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