Tender FAQs

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Troubleshooting Fixed Route Issues

 I am not generating a shipment for a specific order.
  1. Is the carrier/service level on the order (and lines) blank?

  2. Is the mode of delivery blank?

  3. Is the inventory reserved to be able to fulfill the order?

  4. Is the address marked as a fixed route stop?

  5. Is the stop associated with a least one fixed route?

  6. Is the fixed route active?

  7. Is the fixed route configured for the correct days of the week?

  8. Does the delivery date fall within the correct Effective Start and End Date of the fixed route?

  9. Is the carrier Buy enabled, configured with a Ship carrier code, and configured with a Ship carrier service code?
 I am not generating a tender for my orders.
  1. Is the origin location set up in SCC? If so, do the addresses and names match between D365 and SCC?

  2. Do you have the correct transaction types set up in Transaction Type Mapping

I received the following error message:

 An exception occured when invoking the operation - No carrier found in host system for provided trading partner.


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