Logistics Orders

Logistics Orders

Logistics orders represent the demand for activities: service orders, routes, customer requests for pickup/delivery, etc.

They can be created manually or through All Schedules functionality. They can also be created as a result of Warehousing/Transportation module activity.

Logistics Execution > Common > All Logistics Orders 

Logistics Order Types

Logistics order types affect the way stop data is input into a logistics order line.

There are two varieties of logistics order types:

  • Single Stop: Orders associate an individual address with each logistics order line.
  • Shipments: Use an Origin and Destination pairing for each logistics order line.

Constraints for Logistics Order Types 

The Validation Step field is available on the Logistics Types form for constraints associated with the Logistics Order logistics type category

It determines which validation process the constraint is active in:

  • Finalization
  • Confirmation
  • Both

Logistics Order Lines

Logistics order lines detail the specific segments of a trip. A line may have one destination address or an origin and a destination address.

  • A logistics line with a single (destination) address is considered a single stop line when paired with an activity. This configuration is commonly used for dedicated operations.
  • A logistics line with an origin and a destination address represents a pickup and a drop-off, more commonly used for LTL.

Handling Units Line Details

Logistics order lines may also contain handling units, which represent the materials being shipped during the particular logistics line of the order.

Each logistics order line may have an unlimited amount of handling units.

A handling unit contains information about the item contained within it: configuration, size, color, style, etc.

Handling Unit Assignment

Assigning a handling unit to a logistics order is a two-step process.

  1. Create the handling unit while on the header level of a logistics order. Handling units may have more than one unit per line.

  2. Select for the logistics order line level. You can leave the handling unit stranded on the header level, but this will keep the handling unit from being transacted upon.


    You assign both the Basketball and Baseball Gloves handling units at the logistics order header level so that they become available on the line level.

    Select the Baseball Gloves handling unit from the drop-down list.

At the line level, you can view the handling unit item number and license plate information.

The Complete checkbox indicates whether the handling unit has been unloaded from the logistics order line.

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