Confirmation and Finalization

Confirmation and Finalization

Confirmation and Finalization allow you to verify that the logistics order's attributes meet the needs of all current logistics type constraints before you can proceed to the next step.

  • All confirmation constraints must be satisfied before moving to the next activity or action.
  • All finalization constraints must be met when finally closing the logistics order.

Confirming a Logistics Order

Confirming a logistics order in Transport + Deliver verifies whether the logistics order still satisfies any constraints placed upon it.

This allows Transport + Deliver to force users to confirm prior to action execution or dispatch.

Confirmation Failed

The screenshot below portrays the logistics order before it is confirmed.

The most important field to focus on during confirmation is the Document State field. 

Confirmation Passed

If the logistics order passes confirmation validation, the Document State field value changes to "Confirmed."

From this point forward, the logistics order can be finalized.

Finalizing an Activity

A finalized activity is locked down and cannot be changed.

The Finalize button is located on the ribbon of the Activity Maintenance form. Click it to check if the activity and any of its associated objects still pass any related constraints.

Finalization also calculates worker pay. Worker pay records are not generated until after an activity is finalized. 

Finalization can be initiated using the button or can be configured as an action.

If a worker has no worker pay assignment records, and has not been assigned a pay cycle, finalization produces the following message: 


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