All Logistics Orders

Logistics Orders List

Logistics Execution > Common > All Logistics Orders

The Logistics Orders list form displays all logistics orders created within Transport + Deliver.

Use this form to maintain visibility on the operational history of your business: track progress, update customers, and address claims.

Logistics Order IDThe uniquely generated order number.
Status IDThe status update of the logistics order.
Customer AccountThe customer associated with the order.
OperationThe operation responsible for executing the order.
Logistics TypeThe type of logistics order.
Start AddressThe starting address for the activity.
End AddressThe ending address for the activity.
Request Date TimeDisplays various timestamps associated with the order.

Click an order, or select an order and click Edit, to access the Logistics Order details form.

Logistics Order Details

Logistics Execution > Common > All Logistics Orders > click an order

Click a logistics order ID to open the Logistics Order Details form, which offers a more granular view of the logistics order.

 Line View

Line View

This form initially opens in Lines view, displaying the assigned logistics order lines and any associated handling units.

The logistics order lines depict each of the logistic order destination addresses.

Logistics Order Header Section

Summarizes the data provided within the logistics order details header view.

Logistics Order Lines Section

Lists all segments associated to the logistics order.

Line NumberDisplays chronological segment order.
Logistics TypeThe logistics type for the logistics order line.
Start AddressDisplays the segment's origin location.
End AddressDisplays the segment's destination location.
Requested DropOff Date TimeThe requested date/time for drop-off at the destination.
Customer accountThe customer account associated with a logistics order line.
Is Billable?Indicates whether a segment is billable when using contracts.
Status IDDisplays the status of the logistics order line.
Shipment IDThe shipment ID associated with the logistics order.
FacilityThe facility associated with a logistics order line (if applicable).
Negotiated DistanceThe negotiated distance for billing purposes between the start and end addresses.

Line Details Section

Displays logistics order line information.

Handling UnitThe handling unit ID that matches the handling unit attached to the logistics order header.
Item numberItem number associated with the Handling Unit (if single-sku)
License plateLPN associated with the Handling Unit
LocationDisplays the current location/position of the Handling Unit
CompeteCheckbox indicating Handling Unit handling for this Logistics Line has been completed
 Header View

Header View

Select the Header option on the right side of the page to switch views.

The header views allows you to see more information about the customer and the logistics order document status.



Displays basic information:

  • Logistics Order ID
  • Operation
  • Logistics Type
  • Customer details
  • Status
  • Dates
AddressDisplays the start and end addresses for the order.
Logistics AttributesLists all attributes associated with the logistics order.
ConstraintsLists all constraints associated with the logistics order.
ActivitiesLists all activities associated with the logistics order.
Source DocumentsIf applicable, displays a link to the origin document.
TasksLists all tasks associated with the logistics order, and allows you to manually create new tasks. 
Handling Units

Lists the handling units that are attached to the logistics order.

Handling Units

  • Handling units are added while in header view.
  • Once added to the header, they can be associated with individual logistic order lines.
  • If handling units are added to the header after logistics lines are created, the system asks if it should automatically associate those handling units with the logistics order lines.


Constraints are associated with a logistics order by the assigned logistics type (which functions as the order type). Because constraints cannot be manually updated to an individual order, additional constraints must be added using the logistics type functionality.

Optional Configurations

 Logistics Line Creation Policy

Logistics Line Creation Policy

You can personalize this page (Options > Personalize > Personalize this page) to add the Generated by Policy Line? option.

This field indicates whether the logistics line was created by a policy.

See Logistics Line Creation Policy for more information.

 Pre-Plan by Sales Order

Pre-Plan Sales Order

You can personalize this page (Options > Personalize > Personalize this page) to add two pre-planning options:

  • Pre-Planned Status: Displays the status of the pre-planned logistics order: None, Planned, or Synced.

  • Pre-Planned?: Indicates whether a logistics order was planned without a shipment. This toggle is turned on if the associated logistics order was created using pre-plan functionality. 

See Pre-Plan Sales Order for more information.


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