Workflow Processors

Workflow Processors

Processors perform the appropriate updates to the system and advance the workflow.


  • Validators check for required/bad data in incoming workflow API requests.
  • Processors actually carry those changes to the database.


Processors should not be used with workflow steps using Notes, Reason Codes, or Document Groups.

Freight Invoice
Freight Invoice Delete ProcessorRuns the delete request for the freight invoice.
Freight Invoice Save ProcessorRuns the save request for the freight invoice.
Purchase Order
Purchase Order Delete Processor

Runs the delete request for the purchase order.

Purchase Order Save Processor

Runs the save request for the purchase order.

Shipment ASN Processor

Saves all containers/container lines from the request.

If shipment details are associated to PO details, updates those shipped quantities, then fires the On Shipment Transaction Code for each PO.

Shipment Auto Pack Processor

Creates pallets/containers based on host item configurations.

Shipment Delete Processor

Deletes transaction requests, the business transaction, and associated shipment/lines.

If shipment details are associated to PO details, updates those shipped quantities, then fires the On Shipment Transaction Code for each PO.

Shipment Delivered Processor

Updates delivered quantities on shipment lines.

If shipment details are associated to PO details, updates those delivered quantities, then fires the Delivered Transaction Code for each PO.

Shipment Save Processor

Saves all containers/container lines from the request.

If shipment details are associated to PO details, updates those shipped quantities, then fires the On Shipment Transaction Code for each PO.

Transportation Tender
Transportation Tender Bid Acceptance Processor

Marks the bid as accepted.  

Assigns the carrier and service level to the tender. 

Transportation Tender Bidding Processor

Creates bids for the tender if bidding is enabled for the transaction type. 

Transportation Tender Delete Processor

Deletes the tender.

Transportation Tender Reject With Bidding Processor

Turns a direct or ranked tender into a spot bid if the carrier rejects it. 


Tender Transaction Type must be set to use bids. 

Transportation Tender Save Processor

Saves the tender.

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