New or Edit Workflow Step

New or Edit Workflow Step

There are several options when creating a workflow step.

General Tab

Workflow Transaction Code

Select the code for the workflow step.

See Workflow Transaction Codes for more information on configuring codes.

Add New Workflow Transaction Code

Click this button to add a workflow transaction code.

DescriptionEnter a description for the workflow step.

Select the permissions for this workflow step.

Button NameEnter a name for the button that is visible when the workflow step is triggered.
Button ColorSelect the color for the button that is visible when the workflow step is triggered.

Status Tab

Status Range LowSelect the lower limit for the workflow step.
Status Range HighSelect the upper limit for the workflow step.
Result Status

Select the detail status.

See Statuses for more information on configuring statuses. 

Status Evaluator

Select a status evaluator to test whether the business transaction's status meets status requirements.

If it passes, the status is applied to the business transaction.


A status evaluator's result does not impact the overall success or failure of the workflow step.

Alerting Tab


These settings operate regardless of the alert configurations set on your User Profile. Enabling alerts on both your profile and here may result in duplicate alerts.

Success Alert

Select the desired success alert for this workflow step.

See Alert Types for information on configuring alerts.

Failure Alert

Select the desired failure alert for this workflow step.

See Alert Types for information on configuring alerts.

Alert Only Participants

Turn on this toggle to send alerts exclusively to users who have interacted with the transaction or all users subscribed to the alert with access to the business transaction.

This toggle is disabled until a success or failure alert is selected, and it defaults to "off."

Requirements Tab

OptionalTurn on this toggle to make this step optional; it will not be required to move to a closed status.

Turn on this toggle to automatically process this step if the previous step completes successfully.

Require NoteTurn on this toggle to require a note when the workflow step is executed.

Select the validator needed for this workflow step.

Validators verify data to ensure business transaction statuses are accurate.

Document Group

Select the document group required for this workflow step.

See Document Groups for more information on configuring groups.

Reason Code Category

Select a category to filter which reason codes are available for selection.

See Reason Code Categories for more information on configuring categories.


Select the processor needed for this workflow step.

Processors perform the appropriate updates to the system and advance the workflow.

Workflow Step Field Group

Select the field group required for this workflow step.

See Workflow Step Field Group for more information on configuring groups.

Workflow Channel

Select the workflow channel required for this workflow step.

See Workflow Channels for more information on configuring channels.

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