Freight Items

Freight Items

The Freight Items page allows you to define your freight items and associate them with a freight bill class.

You can then generate freight invoices to send to your host system.

New or Edit Freight Item

Click New to set up a freight item. Click Edit to edit a freight item.

This opens a pop-up with details regarding the item.



Freight Item

Enter a name for the freight item.


Enter a description for the freight item.

Cost Type

Select a cost type:

  • StopFreight invoice will be charged per stop.
  • TenderFreight invoice will be charged at the tender level.


Turn on this toggle to mark this freight item as active.
Freight Bill Class

Select the freight bill class for the item.

See Freight Bill Classes for more information on configuring freight classes.

Document Group

Select the document group for the item.

When this item is added to a freight invoice, the system requires the selected document group documents to be uploaded.

See Document Groups for more information on configuring document groups.

Delete Freight Item

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete an item.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

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