Navigate to the Transactions form to view request and response data and review specific transactions in the process, such as shipping, rating, rate shopping, and apportionment.
For LTL Rate Engines, see the Supply Chain Cloud Request Log for transaction information.
Transportation management > Periodic tasks > Transactions
Transaction Types
BASE | |
Apportionment | Generated when the packing slip is posted. Charges on containers are apportioned to the associated sales order. |
Confirmation | Generated when the shipment is confirmed. Moves the shipment to "Shipped" status. |
Rate | Requests rates for matching carriers and services and auto-selects the cheapest option. |
RateShop | Requests rates for matching carriers and services and returns all options. |
Ship | Retrieves a rate(s) and label(s) for the specified carrier and service on the shipment. |
Void | Voids the shipment label(s). |
SCC | Accepts Ship request from D365 and creates SCC request against SCC Ship. Receives SCC response from SCC Ship and creates Ship response. |
Third Party | Accepts the SCC request. Creates third-party requests to interact with individual carriers. Processes third-party responses from carriers and passes information back in the SCC response. Note Can be more than one request (e.g., some SCC requests may become multiple requests). |