SCC Shipping Parameters

SCC Shipping Parameters

Supply Chain Cloud > Setup > Supply Chain Cloud Parameters

These settings control overall operation of Supply Chain Cloud and should be addressed before continuing with any other configurations.

General Tab

Connection Section


The key to access a customer's tenant in Supply Chain Cloud.

You can find this key on the Global Configurations page in Supply Chain Cloud.


To check that your setup is correct, navigate to the Shipping Carriers form and look at the Ship Carrier Code field. There should be a prepopulated drop-down list of enabled carriers.

Use Production CredentialsDetermines whether production carrier APIs or test APIs are used.
Override API Links

Determines whether alternative Supply Chain Cloud URLs are used.


This is rare; only turn on this toggle if Avanade provides you with the required link(s).

SCC/LTL API/Security API Link

If the Override API Links toggle is turned on, an override URL is required (and is provided by Avanade).

Ship Parameters Tab

Supply Chain Cloud Section



Disable Pre-rating Calls

Determines whether accessorial assignment is called prior to rating.

If disabled, only the base call happens after rating.


Keep this toggle turned off when auto-assigning accessorials

Write Third Party XMLs

Determines whether third party XML transactions are created in addition to the base XMLs.

This is useful for troubleshooting/testing.

Default Physical Dimension Unit

The physical dimension unit used to rate transactions.

Default Weight Unit

The weight unit used to rate transactions if not found on the container packing policy.

Suppress Duplicate Shipment Labels


Do not turn on this toggle unless you are receiving duplicate labels. If you turn it on before Microsoft fixes your issue, no shipment-based labels will print.

Update: It appears Microsoft fixed this issue in version 10.0.42.

Turn on this toggle if you do not want to receive duplicate labels while manifesting by shipment.

This is necessary due to an issue with the base shipment label processing that causes labels not to print when doing shipment-level manifesting.

The Supply Chain Cloud worked around this, but when Microsoft changes the base code, duplicate labels print.

This toggle turns off the Supply Chain Cloud workaround.

Store Documents on Shipment

Enable this flag to store incoming documents on the shipment.

Leave this flag disabled to store incoming documents on the container.


This feature is for container-level manifesting only.

Itemize Carrier Charges

Turn on this toggle to capture itemized charges from the carrier when they are available.

You can then view the itemized charges on the Rate route details form.

Loads> Routes> Container> Route rate details.

Broker Purpose

Select the purpose that designates this as a broker address, if applicable.

If a shipment has this designation, the system sends the broker information in the API request.

See FedEx International Broker Select® for more information on configuring a broker address.

Select the Broker Declaration carrier accessorial to send the information to FedEx.

Hazardous Materials Section


Emergency Contact

Emergency Phone

Emergency Email



Signatory Title

Signatory Place

Fill in these fields if you plan to use the hazardous materials feature.

See Hazardous Materials for more information.

Default Times Section

Set default start, end, and close pickup and dropoff times.

You can also set default start, end, and close pickup and dropoff times per warehouse.

Pickup Time Defaults
Default Start TimeThe default time for the start of the pickup.
Default End TimeThe default time for the end of the pickup.
Default Close TimeThe default time for the close of the pickup location.
Dropoff Time Defaults
Default Start TimeThe default time for the start of the dropoff.
Default End TimeThe default time for the end of the dropoff.
Default Close TimeThe default time for the close of the dropoff location.

LTL Section


This works for LTL Rate Engines only.

Handling Unit Levels

Default Handling Unit
: The selected Default Handling Unit defines the size of the handling unit to send to the carrier. 

A license plate defines the handling unit and its contents. The containers or items on that license plate define the number of pieces.

Container: The packed Container defines the size of the handling unit to send to the carrier. The items in the container define the pieces.

Parent Container: The Parent Container defines the size of the handling unit to send to the carrier. The containers on that parent container define the pieces.

LTL Handling Unit Definition

Select the type of data to be sent to the carrier at the handling unit level:

  • Default
  • Container
  • Parent Container
Default Handling Unit

If you selected Default, select the default container type to send to the carrier as the handling unit.


The Default Handling Unit defines the size of the shipped handling units.

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