Dynamic Marking Template

Dynamic Marking Template

Global order promising > Setup > Demand sourcing > Dynamic marking template

The Dynamic Marking Template allows you to create and maintain templates that control the functionality of the Dynamic Marking job.

These templates can be selected when you configure Dynamic Marking jobs to automatically "mark," or save, demand lines to inbound purchase orders. 


Marking template IDUnique identifier for the marking template.
DescriptionDescription of the marking template.
Number of days past dueDetermines how many days past the shipment date the demand is eligible for reservation in the channel.
Number of lead daysNumber of days before the ship date that demand is eligible for reservation in the channel.
Only mark full unreserved quantity

Turn on this toggle to have Dynamic Marking functionality only add markings to orders if the full unreserved quantity can be marked.

Consider budgets?

Turn on this toggle to consider budgets when adding dynamic markings.

Consider pre-allocations?

Turn on this toggle to consider pre-allocations when adding dynamic markings.

Consider safety nets?

Turn on this toggle to consider safety nets when adding dynamic markings.


Considering any allocation constraints increases runtime. The more budgets, safety nets, or pre-allocations considered, the longer the runtime.

Channel Selection

This section allows you to create/delete line records and set the sequence of each channel.

Select a channel ID and click the arrow to move it to or from the Selected Channels section.

The selected channels are included on the template.

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