Sourcing Policy
Sourcing Policy
Global order promising > Setup > Demand sourcing > Sourcing policy
Sourcing policy maintenance allows you to control how a sourcing policy run processes and what regions are part of that individual run.
Header Section
Sourcing policy ID | Unique identifier for the sourcing policy record. |
Description | Description for the sourcing policy. |
Processing sequence | Indicates the order in which sourcing policy records are processed. |
Enabled | Controls whether the policy is active for demand sourcing. |
Availability Calculation | |
Lead days to evaluate | Number of days in the future to include unsatisfied demand that will reduce the availability calculated during demand sourcing. |
Past days to evaluate | Number of days in the past to include unsatisfied demand that will reduce the availability calculated during demand sourcing. |
- Available to Source is the physical amount available minus the sum of on-order transactions that fall within the availability calculation window.
- Even if demand is not reserved, previous sales order lines are considered when calculating the inventory available to source.
Today is 11/17 and new demand being sourced ships 11/20.
- Sourcing policy setup: Lead days = 5, Past days = 1
- Physical available: 500
- Existing on order transactions:
- 50 – 11/16
- 100 – 11/19
- 100 – 11/20
- 100 – 11/21
- 100 – 11/23
- Available to source for new sales on order transactions: 150
- 500 minus 350
- Does not include 11/23 (more than 5 days in future)
- Includes 11/16 (one day in the past)
Sourcing Policy Line Section
Processing sequence | Controls the sequence for processing region IDs when this policy is run. |
Region ID | Sourcing Regions to process in this sequence. |
Prioritize ship complete | Controls whether all warehouses in the region are evaluated to make sure the demand line can be fully satisfied by the available inventory before looking for warehouses that might only have a partial amount available. |
Default warehouse | Warehouse selected to source from if no other warehouse in the region qualifies. |
Edit filter query | Click this button to open a flyout window that allows you to specify order, order line, customer, and item values to include/exclude with this particular sourcing policy definition. |
Additional Configurations
, multiple selections available,
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