Distinct Item Substitution

Distinct Item Substitution

Global order promising > Setup > Item substitution > Distinct item substitution

The Distinct item substitution form allows you to configure item- or variant-specific substitution rules.

For a given item, rules can be set up to potentially substitute to a specific item (or list of items).


Item A0002 is set to Always substitute to item A0001 for customer US-001.

Item A0002 is set to substitute to item D0003 for customer US-002 but requires approval.

Header Section

From Item IDOriginal item ID to consider for substitution.
Date RangeDate range this substitution record is valid.
Product DimensionsOriginal product dimensions (if needed) to consider for substitution.

Active Demand Order Types Section

Demand order typeLists possible sources of demand.
Is active

Controls whether substitution is active for the corresponding demand order type.


Only sales is currently supported.

Distinct Item Substitution Lines Section

Processing sequenceSequence in which item substitution lines are evaluated.
DescriptionDescription for the item substitution line.
Enable for budget shortageControls whether the specific item substitution line is considered when an item cannot be reserved due to budget constraints.
Substitution action

Controls how the substitution occurs:

  • Automatic: Automatically substitutes the "to" item for the "from" item.
  • With permission: Creates an action message displaying the suggested item substitution for you to approve or deny.

Substitution trigger

Controls when the substitution should be evaluated:

  • Always: Item substitution is evaluated during channel assignment.
  • Availability shortage: Item substitution is evaluated during reservation if unable to fulfill the demand.
Distinct item substitution strategy

Controls the strategy for substitution:

  • Processing sequence: As configured.
  • FIFO: First in, first out.
  • FEFO: First expired, first out.
Allow order line split

Turn on this toggle to allow a single demand line to be substituted by multiple lines. 

This will split an order line based on what batch(es) are being used to substitute for the original item.

Substitution inclusion criteria 

Click this button to specify which channel IDs and customers can use this substitution line.

If nothing is specified, the default is to allow all channels and customers.

Substitution exclusion criteriaClick this button to specify which channel IDs and customers cannot use this substitution line.

Substitution Items Section

Displays items to consider substituting "to" for the given item substitution line.

Processing sequenceSequence in which the individual items to substitute "to" are considered.
To item IDItem to consider substituting "to."
Allow partial substitution

Controls whether substitution is allowed to an item that will not fully satisfy the demand.


  • When this is enabled, the order lines are not split.
  • The substituted item will have a lower quantity than the original item because you are allowing for a partial substitution.
Substitution pricing rule

Controls pricing for the substituted item:

  • None: Currently functions the same as the Substitute item price pricing rule.
  • Substitute item price: Use pricing from the substituted item.
  • Original line price: Use pricing from the original demand line.
  • Lower price: Use the lower of the original line price and substituted line price.
  • Higher price: Use the higher of the original line price and the substituted line price.
Configuration/Size/Color/StyleSpecify "to" product dimensions.
Item substitution unit conversions 

Click this button to specify UOM conversions for this item substitution.


You are responsible for ensuring that the units given in the UOM conversion are valid for the demand item and the substitute item.

If GOP is unable to make a conversion between the inventory units and the provided unit or the ordered unit and the provided unit, the substitution will not be considered valid.

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