FedEx Credentials
FedEx Credentials
Obtain Credentials
- Log in to FedEx Web Services.
- Click Get Started under Develop & Test.
Register for Test Credentials
- Register for FedEx test credentials (test account number, test meter number, test key, and test password) at the FedEx Developer Resource Center.
Your password is sent via a separate email communication. Check your SPAM/Junk folder if you do not receive the email within a few minutes.
Record your credentials; they cannot be recovered. If you lose them, you will be required to re-register.
Develop and Test FedEx Web Services-Enabled Application
- Develop your application.
- Configure your application with the test URL and test credentials that were provided in Step 3 (see table below).
- Use this time to test the planned shipping services and resolve any errors.
Please work with Accenture to complete the configuration of your new test credentials within the Supply Chain Cloud.
Map Fields
Use the table below to map FedEx-specific fields to Supply Chain Cloud Account Assignments.
Test Account Number | Account Number |
Authentication Key Developer Test Key | Access Key |
Test Meter Number | User Name |
Security Password | Password |
Additional Resources
FedEx API Label Certification Guide