Tender Bidding Overview

Tender Bidding Overview

Supply Chain Cloud's tendering functionality allows you to enhance your relationship with your carriers and how they interact with any tenders you send them.

You can define an additional step within a tender to manage your carrier's bid requests.

This allows you to either:

  • send a tender through a sequence of carriers you defined for a rate request 
  • send a tender to to a group of carriers at the same time for a rate request

Transportation Tender Transaction Types

Configurations > Transportation Tender > Transaction Types

Indicate whether a transaction supports bid in the Transportation Tender section on the Create/Edit Transaction Type pop-up window. 

Turn on the toggle to enable several additional fields.


The Bid Available Alert Type allows you to set an alert that will trigger when a bid is available.

Carrier Groups

Configurations > Carriers > Advanced > Carrier Groups

Select and add multiple carriers to a carrier group in the Carrier Service section on the Create/Edit Carrier Group pop-up window.

You can add the same carrier multiple times with different service levels, if required.  

If building a carrier group for ranked bid scenarios, you must populate the rank in the desired order.

New Transportation Tender

Transportation Tenders > New button

The Bid tab allows you to configure the bid information for the tender.

This tab only displays if:

  • the selected transaction type for your new tender has bids enabled
  • the starting status code is less than the default status code used for new tenders

The tender displays the generated bids:

Each carrier can enter the tender to update their bid amount.

You can then accept the carrier that you decide is best for the situation.

That carrier is assigned to the tender and your normal tender workflow resumes.

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