Customer Item Pre-Allocation

Customer Item Pre-Allocation

Global order promising > Setup > Pre-Allocations > Customer item pre-allocation

The Customer item pre-allocation form allows you to create, edit, and view demand with pre-allocations.


You can filter to Show expired and/or Show future active pre-allocations.

Sustainability: Stabilize Inventory

Mitigate risk around urgent orders by keeping inventory on-hand instead of expediting to fulfill requests for customers.

See Sustainability with Supply Chain Cloud for more information.

Header Section

Pre-allocation IDUnique identifier for the pre-allocation.
Item numberItem number.
EffectiveStart date for this pre-allocation.
ExpirationExpiration date for this pre-allocation.

Determines the length of the pre-allocation and when it resets.


The pre-allocation could reset at the beginning of every month or every 15 days.

Configuration/Size/Color/StyleSpecify product dimensions.
Site/Warehouse/Available physicalSpecify warehouse dimensions.

Customer Item Pre-Allocation Line Section

Sequence number

Controls the sequence for processing pre-allocations.

Use the Move up and Move down buttons to change the sequence.

Customer accountCustomer account.
Customer allocation group IDUnique identifier for the customer allocation group.
Pre-allocation quantityThe item quantity to set aside for the specified customer or customer allocation group.
Consumed pre-allocation quantityThe amount of the pre-allocated quantity that has been promised to specific orders.
Pre-allocation transactions

Click this button to open a filtered view displaying which order lines are using pre-allocated inventory.

Select the Show past checkbox to view past pre-allocations.


This button is also available in the ribbon at the top of the form.

Marked quantity

The sum of the markings for the pre-allocation record that were dynamically marked.

This information can help keep you from marking over the pre-allocated amount for the recurrence.


This field is enabled if a budget is decremented as a result of dynamic marking.


Click Recurrence to open a flyout window that allows you to configure the Recurrence field for the customer item pre-allocation record.

ATP Configurations

 ATP Configurations

You can configure base D365 to include pre-allocation records in ATP calculations.

ATP Information

Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > Shipments tab > Delivery control FastTab

Turn on the Include pre-allocated qty toggle to include pre-allocation records in ATP calculations.

Sales order details > Product and supply tab > ATP Information

Navigate to the ATP Information page.

The Pre-allocated qty and Customer pre-allocated qty columns display any pre-allocations to help you provide customers with accurate delivery dates.

Pre-allocated qty

Displays the sum of all unclaimed pre-allocated quantities for the item number and warehouse.

Customer pre-allocated qty

Displays the unclaimed pre-allocated inventory (on its own or part of a group) for the customer on the selected sales order. 

Delivery Date Control

Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > Shipments tab > Delivery control FastTab

Turn on the Include pre-allocated qty toggle to include pre-allocated inventory in ATP calculations.

For this to affect the delivery date, you must select ATP or ATP + Issue margin from the Delivery date control field.

Recalculate Delivery Date

Turn on the Recalculate date controls toggle to run the base D365 date recalculation if Order has updated the sourcing warehouse for that sales line.

This will recalculate the ATP delivery date when sourcing logic switches the warehouse for a sales line.

This can be enabled on both the batch job and manual action for source sales lines.

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