Manual Alerts

Manual Alerts

The Manual Alerts page allows you to create and manage alerts you can manually send to users in the system.

Messages are emailed to the address configured for each user.

Add or Edit Manual Alert

Click New to create an alert. Select an alert in the list and click Edit to edit an alert.

Enter or change the name, description, subject, and body of the manual alert.

Click Save when you are done.

Delete Manual Alert

Select an alert in the list and click Delete.

You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the alert. Click Delete to remove the alert.

Send Manual Alert

Click Send Manual Alert on the message you wish to send.

You should see the selected alert at the top of the page and the message on the left of the page. 

You can edit the body of the alert here, if needed.


The Recipients section allows you to select users to send the alert to.

You can filter by: 

  • Trading Partner
  • Trading Partner Access Group
  • Roles

You can also search for users.

Once your desired contacts are listed, click Send in the Message section.

The message will be sent to the email address configured for each selected user.

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