Dashboard Metrics

The Dashboard Metrics page allows you to create or edit metrics that appear on your dashboard. 

These metrics can include data on any of the business transaction categories: freight invoices, purchase orders, shipments, and transportation tenders.

New or Edit Metric

Click New to set up a dashboard metric. Click Edit to edit a dashboard metric.

This opens a pop-up window with details regarding the metric.




Enter a label for the metric that will appear on the dashboard.


Enter a title for the metric.

Business Transaction Type

Select a baseline business transaction type:

  • Freight Invoice
  • Purchase Order
  • Shipment
  • Transportation Tender
Axis Field

Select a data element for the x axis of the metric graph.

You can select dates, trading partners, and origin locations.

Tile ColorSelect a color for this tile on the dashboard.
Query Criteria Tab

Click New to add criteria to this metric.

Configure the query criteria with elements that apply to your metric.  


Each metric must have at least one query criteria.  

Roles Tab

Select the Roles tab to assign roles to this metric.

The metric will appear on the dashboard for any users assigned this role(s) when they log in to Supply Chain Cloud.

Delete Metric

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a metric.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.


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