Data Retention Policies

Data Retention Policies

The Data Retention Policies page allows you to create or edit policies that determine how long various types of records are stored in the system.

These records include names, addresses, phone numbers, and other data required shipping, purchasing, and tendering.


This is an optional configuration. If you do not set a data retention policy, the standard Supply Chain Cloud settings are used:

  • Transactional: 90 days

  • Transaction History: 5 days

New or Edit Policy

Click New to set up a data retention policy. Click Edit to edit a data retention policy.

This opens a pop-up window with details regarding the policy.


The New button is disabled if there are already data retention policies configured for all data categories.



Data Category

Select a data category for the policy: 

  • Configuration: Status, Carrier Configuration, Workflow

  • Master Data: Item, Customer, Vendor

  • Transactional: Shipments, Purchase Orders, Tenders

  • Transaction History: UPS XML Data, DHL Request/Response


  • The options in the drop-down list are limited to only what can be configured based on existing records.
  • Currently, Transactional is the only enabled category. More categories will be enabled in the future.

Days to Keep

Select the number of days data should be saved.

After the configured number of days have passed, the data is purged from the system.

Delete Policy

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a policy.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.


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