Container Labels

Container Labels

The Container Labels page allows you to create or edit container labels right in Supply Chain Cloud.

These labels are selected when configuring Container Types.

You can then view any labels that are tied to a shipment and/or container on the Shipment Summary.

New or Edit Container Label

Click New to create a container label. Click Edit to edit a container label.

This opens a pop-up window where you can enter the following details:




The container label name.


A detailed container label description.

Packaging Type

Select the packaging type: 

  • Container
  • Pallet

Label Designer

 Label Designer

Click Label Designer on a label line to customize the label.

The Container Label Designer allows you to customize, preview, and download the label.

Click Download client logo to obtain a copy of your logo so that it can be added to your custom label.

Click the side arrows to expand your editing options.

  • 1| Design Surface: Displays the design layout of the label. Provides tools for selecting, moving, resizing, and editing label items.

  • 2| Menu: Provides buttons for creating a new label and opening, saving, or previewing an existing one. Allows you to switch between loaded labels and displays their save states.

  • 3| Properties Area: Displays the properties of the selected label item. If multiple items are selected, displays only the properties that can be applied to all items in the current selection. You can organize the list by category or alphabetical order.

  • 4| Components: Displays components you can add to the label. Items are organized in groups based on type. You can choose between grid or list view..

  • 5| Explorer: Displays the label structure in a tree menu. Allows you to select visual and non-visual label components and configure their properties.

See Telerik's Web Report Designer Overview for more information.

Click Preview to view the label.

Use the toolbar to navigate around the label or zoom in our out. You can also download or print the label from here.

Click Design to return to the editor.

Delete Container Label

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a container label.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

Copy Container Label

Select the desired container label and click Copy.

A duplicate is created with a timestamp appended to the end of the name. You can adjust the name and description on the copy.

Copying is useful if multiple (but similar) container labels are needed.

Make Default Pallet Label

Select the desired record and click Make Default Pallet Label to mark it as the default pallet label.

Make Default Container Label

Select the desired record and click Make Default Container Label to mark it as the default container label.

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