Label Setup and Printing

Label Setup and Printing

Labels can be generated for handling units if needed within a facility.

There are two primary setups: 

  • Label Layouts
  • Label Routing

Label Layouts

Logistics Execution > Setup > Labeling > Label Layout

Use the Label Layout form to define individual label layouts with the appropriate printer codes (usually ZPL) and the field tags to insert the appropriate dynamic data into the label format.

To configure a label layout, assign a layout ID and enter your label printer code (usually ZPL) in the text box. Raw printer code is placed in the box, as well as text labels for dynamic Transport + Deliver data.


In the screenshot above, the worker name is represented by $HcmWorkerName$. When the label is printed, the program will substitute the actual worker name in place of the text label.

To insert additional text labels, select the field in the list and click the ellipsis button, then select Insert at the end of text. The appropriate text label will appear at the end of the current text in the box. You can then cut/paste the text label in the appropriate place within the label code.

Label Routing

Logistics Execution > Setup > Labeling > Label Routing

Use the Label Routing form to cross-reference specific situations with the label format and mapped printer.

When a label is requested, the program checks the Label Routing form to determine the print format and the printer for the label.

Label routing records have a sequence that label printing logic works through until finding a match to the current data being processed.

The label printing logic compares the data for the label being requested to the data in the General section (see screenshot above).

At a minimum, the Facility ID must be specified.  Additionally, the Worker, Customer Account, and logistic type fields can be specified.


If a specific worker has a different printer (or format), specify the Worker field on the record to have assignment logic route the label to the specified printer using the specified format.

Assignment logic works in sequence order and will process the first sequence that matches the criteria specified.

Click Print Label from the Handling Units section of the Logistics Orders form to print.

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