Logistics Line Creation Policy

Logistics Execution > Setup > Logistics Line Creation Policy

You can create policies that allow additional logistics order lines to be added when logistics orders are created from a source order.

This allows you to show where something may need to go beyond the origin and destination.

These policies are enacted when the system tries to create a logistics order for the chosen source order type.


Policy Source Type

Select the policy source type:

  • Sales Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Transfer Order
  • Return Order

Creation Policies

When a logistics order is going to be created, the system loops through enabled policies for the source order type.

The first matching policy, according to Edit Query criteria, creates logistics line(s) according to the start and end addresses on the logistics line policy.


  • Only one policy can be utilized, even if multiple qualify.

  • If no policies match the source order edit query criteria, no additional logistics lines are created.

Policy IDThe unique identifier for the policy.
Policy Description

Description of the policy.

The sequence is configured through the Move up and Move down buttons on the ribbon.

Policy SequenceDetermines the sequence in which the policies are considered during logistics order creation.
Policy Enabled?Determine whether the logistics line policy is reviewed when a logistics order is created.
Pair HandlingEnable this option to automatically pair handling units for the order to the generated logistics line.
Policy Valid?Determines if the logistics line policy is valid.
OperationDisplays the related operation.

Creation Policy Lines

Create lines that will be inserted between the origin and destination addresses.

When this policy is selected, the system inserts these intervening lines automatically between the start and end addresses populated from the source order.

Policy Line Sequence

Determines the order the logistics lines appear when generated.

The sequence is configured through the Move up and Move down buttons.

Policy Line Start/End AddressThe related logistics postal address.
Policy Logistics Line StatusThe related logistics line status.
Policy Logistics Line TypeThe related logistics line object type.
Policy Line Billable?Determines if the logistics line generated from the policy line is billable.

Edit Query

Click Edit Query in the ribbon to open the table corresponding to the selected policy.

This Edit Query determines the criteria that a source order must meet for the logistics line policy to be considered during logistics line creation.

Logistics Line Personalization

You can personalize the Logistics Order to add the Generated by Policy Line? option.

This field indicates whether the logistics line was created by a policy.

See All Logistics Orders for more information.


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