Attributes - Orchestrate

Attributes - Orchestrate

Attributes allow you create fields that you can use to define characteristics of consolidation policies, demand channels, and sourcing policies.

You can make your attributes as specific or as vague as desired.

These attributes are then selected when configuring Consolidation PoliciesDemand Channels, and Sourcing Policies

New or Edit Attribute

Click New to create an attribute. Click Edit to edit an attribute.

This opens a pop-up window where you can enter the following details:

NameName of the demand channel attribute.
DescriptionDescription of the demand channel.
Data Type

Select the data type for the attribute:

  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Date-Time
  • List
  • Number
  • Text

Delete Attribute

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete an attribute.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

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