Reservation Priorities

Reservation Priorities

Reservation Priority Templates detail out which demand channels should be evaluated and in what order they should be evaluated for assignment when the demand designation process runs.

If you want to assign different channels at different times, they can be grouped together accordingly and scheduled as desired.


You must configure Attributes and Demand Channels before creating and/or managing these templates.

 Reservation Priority Templates

The left side of the page allows you to create, edit, or delete reservation priority templates.

You can configure multiple templates. 

Use the search box to find a template.

New or Edit Template

Click New to create a template. Click Edit to edit an existing template.

Delete Template

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a template.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

Copy Template

Select a record and click Copy to copy a template.

A duplicate is created with a timestamp appended to the end of the name. You can adjust the name and description on the copy.

Copying is useful if multiple (but similar) template are needed.

 Reservation Priority Template Details

The right side of the page displays demand channels within the selected template.

The New button is disabled if all demand channels have been used for the given template.

New or Edit Reservation Priority Template Detail

Click New to add a demand channel to the template.

Select a record and click Edit to edit an existing demand channel.

Delete Template Detail

Select a record and click Delete to confirm you want to delete the template detail.


Move Up/Down

Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to set the order in which channel assignment is performed for this template.

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