Sourcing Default Vendors

Sourcing Default Vendors

The Sourcing Default Vendors configuration page allows you to create and manage default vendors by regions.

The system then determines which vendor to use when a warehouse is selected for sourcing.

New or Edit Sourcing Vendor

Click New to create a sourcing vendor. Click Edit to edit an existing sourcing vendor.

Region ID

Select the sourcing region from a list of configured regions.

See Sourcing Regions for information on configuring regions.

Host Item

Select a host item from a list of configured master items to determine which items this vendor is responsible for sourcing.

See Sourcing Regions for more information on direct delivery.

Vendor Name

Select the vendor to use when a purchase order is created for this item and this region.

This list is populated by vendors that are authorized for the selected item.

Delete Sourcing Vendor

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a sourcing vendor.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

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