Sourcing Policies

Sourcing Policies

The Sourcing Policies configuration page allows you to create and manage sourcing policies.

Sourcing policies control how a sourcing policy run processes and what regions are part of that individual run.


The sequence in which the sourcing policy records are processed.

Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to rearrange the policy processing sequence.

Sourcing Policy IDThe sourcing policy identifier.
DescriptionA description of the sourcing policy.
Region CountThe number of regions tied to the policy.

New or Edit Sourcing Policy

Click New to create a sourcing policy. Click Edit to edit an existing sourcing policy.

General Tab

Sourcing Policy IDEnter a unique identifier for the sourcing policy record.
DescriptionEnter a description for the sourcing policy.
Lead Days to Evaluate

Enter the number of days in the future to include unsatisfied demand that will reduce the availability calculated during sourcing.

Past Days to Evaluate

Enter the number of days in the past to include unsatisfied demand that will reduce the availability calculated during sourcing.

Attributes Tab


Click this button to add attributes to this sourcing policy.

You can add up to six different attributes to the policy.

See Attributes to configure these attributes.

Sourcing Regions Tab


Click this button to add a line to the section where you can select a region and assign a rank for that region.

The available regions are configured on the Sourcing Regions page.

Move Up/Move DownUse the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the sequence, as needed.

Delete Sourcing Policy

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a sourcing policy.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

Copy Sourcing Policy

Select a record and click Copy to copy a sourcing policy.

A duplicate is created with a timestamp appended to the end of the name. You can adjust the name and description on the copy.

Copying is useful if multiple (but similar) policies are needed.

Move Up/Down

Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to rearrange the policy processing sequence.

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