From Shipment
Warehouse Management > Shipments > All shipments
Once you are ready to ship, you can send an LTLShip request to the carrier with pickup time information.
Click Transportation in the toolbar and then click Dispatch to send a request for the selected records.
At this point, the system sends the carrier the shipment details. It might return a new PRO number, depending on the carrier.
This request alerts the carrier that your shipment is ready for pickup.
The carrier can then schedule the pickup based on the schedule you have configured in the system.
Cancel Dispatch
To cancel a pickup request sent to a carrier, click Transportation in the toolbar and then click Cancel Dispatch.
From Load
Warehouse Management > Loads > All loads
Once you are ready to ship an entire load, you can send an LTLShip request to the carrier with pickup time information.
Click Transportation in the toolbar and then click Dispatch to send a request for each shipment on the load.
At this point, the system sends the carrier the details for each shipment on the load. It might return a new PRO number, depending on the carrier.
This request alerts the carrier the shipments are ready for pickup.
The carrier can then schedule the pickup based on the schedule you have configured in the system.