Origin Locations

Origin Locations

The Origin Locations page allows you to create or edit origin locations.

An origin location represents the shipping origin.

New or Edit Origin Location

Click New to create an origin location. Click Edit to edit an origin location.

This opens a pop-up window where you can enter the following details:




The origin location name.

This can be a nickname or abbreviation you use for your records.

Time Zone

Select a time zone for this physical location.

See Time Zone Management for more information on localizing the date/time displayed per user.


This time zone is used when setting up carrier cutoffs. See the Carrier Cutoffs button below.


The origin location description.

HazMat Contact NameThe name of your HazMat contact.
HazMat Contact Phone NumberThe phone number of your HazMat contact.
Host System Reference

The warehouse identifier.


This is the Warehouse in Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management.

See Future Ship Date Setup for more information. 

Fixed Route Stop

Turn on this toggle to create a Fixed Route Stop record using the address information from the origin location.


If editing an existing record that has this toggle turned on, you cannot edit the address details. 



The actual location name.


The company name.

Address/City/State/Postal Code

The location address.

Phone Number

The location phone number.

Country Code

The location country code.


Turn on this toggle if this is a residential location.


 Carrier Cutoffs

Click this button to open the Carrier Cutoffs pop-up window to create or edit cutoff records for the origin location. 

Select a carrier (and optionally a carrier service) from the drop-down list.


Not all carriers support this functionality. See Future Ship Date for more information.

Select from the additional options to configure cutoff parameters for the selected carrier:

  • Cutoff Time: The time the carrier picks up its shipments at this location. Any shipments processed after this time will be scheduled for the next shipping day.


    This cutoff time respects the time zone set for the origin location. See the Time Zone drop-down above.

  • Saturday Pickup: Turn on this toggle to enable Saturday as a shipping day for this carrier and this location.
  • Sunday Pickup: Turn on this toggle to enable Sunday as a shipping day for this carrier and location.


    The Saturday Pickup and Sunday Pickup toggles are used to determine the next shipping date only. They do not trigger accessorials or contact carriers about weekend pickups.


The records with the most level of detail will be given highest priority, from most specific to least specific:

  • Origin location with carrier and service
  • Origin location with carrier but no selected service
  • Carrier service
  • Carrier

See Future Ship Date for more information.

 Hours of Operation

Select a record and click this button to open the Hours of Operation pop-up window to set inbound and outbound hours of operation for this location, as needed.

This defines what times you are allowed to set appointments on the Delivery Calendar.


These are required in order to use the Delivery Calendar.

 Associated Users

Select a record and click this button to open the Associated Users pop-up window to assign users to this origin location.

 Non-Shipping Dates

Once you have created an origin location, click Non-Shipping Dates to select dates, such as holidays, where no shipments will go out.

When calculating future ship dates, this origin location will skip over non-shipping dates and select the next available date, depending on your carrier configuration settings (e.g., is Saturday or Sunday a ship day, etc.).

Click New to create a non-shipping date that defaults to the current date or double-click a calendar square to create a non-shipping date for that day.

Click Save

Your non-shipping date now appears on the calendar. Hover over the record and click the X to remove the non-shipping date.

Delete Origin Location

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete an origin location.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

Copy Origin Location

Select the desired origin location and click Copy.

A duplicate is created with a timestamp appended to the end of the name. You can adjust the name and description on the copy.

Copying is useful if multiple (but similar) origin locations are needed.

Import/Export Origin Location

Click Import and select your file to import an origin location.

Select a record and click Export to export an origin location.

Click Export All to export all displayed records.

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