Shipment Manifest

Shipment Manifest

A shipment manifest allows multiple containers to be closed but not manifested until the entire shipment is complete.

The Container Packing Policies form requires the following:

  • Container closing policy: Set to Delayed release.
  • Automatic manifest at container close: Set to No.
  • Manifest requirements for container group: Set to None.
  • Manifest requirements for shipment: Set to Transportation management.


Please note that because of the delayed release, even if you turn on the Print packing slip toggle, the packing slip will not be posted after manifest.

To do this manually, release the shipment, confirm, and post the packing slip. You can handle this via a batch job, if needed. 

When packing with a container packing policy to manifest at the shipment level, each container must be closed first.

You can then select Manifest shipment in the toolbar.

At this point, the shipment has manifested, but it has not advanced to "Loaded" status.

Click Release shipment in the toolbar to advance the shipment to "Loaded" status or to create the work to move the shipment to its final location (depending if work was set up on the container packing policy).

Additional Resources

See Manifests if you need to utilize end-of-day manifesting.


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