Container Manifest

Container Manifest

When a container is manifested, rating and tracking information is assigned only at the container level. This is configured on the Container Packing Policies form.


If shipping internationally, we recommend that you switch to shipment-based manifesting to receive a single commercial invoice for each shipment.

See Shipment Manifest for more information.

Warehouse Management > Setup > Containers > Container packing policies

Container Manifest Options

 Automatic Manifest with Rate Engines

In the Container manifest section, set the Manifest requirements for container field to Transportation management to use parcel rate engines during container manifest.

Turn on the Automatic manifest at container close toggle to streamline the container closing process on the Pack form.

Once the container packing policy is configured and assigned to a packing profile, packing can occur.

Warehouse Management > Packing and containerization > Pack

Click Close container in the toolbar on the Pack form after the container is packed to close the container. This automatically manifests the container, creating a container rate, a tracking number, and a parcel shipping label.

 Manual Manifest with Rate Engines

If the Automatic manifest at container close toggle is turned off on the Container packing policies form, there is an additional packing step to complete the packing and manifesting process.

After the container is packed from the Pack form, the Close container button in the toolbar is grayed out until the manifest container process is completed.

You must manifest and then close the container to obtain a container rate, tracking number, and label.

Additional Resources

See Manifests if you need to utilize end-of-day manifesting.

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