Activity to Load

Activity to Load

In many cases, an activity may be planned prior to the associated load being built. In other instances, activity planning may be the mechanism by which loads are created. 

For these situations, Transport + Deliver has Activity to Load functionality.

Click Activity to Load on a planned activity to have Warehousing create a load and attach associated shipments (and then create movement work for the activity products).


The Activity to Load button can be accessed from the ribbon of several planning forms, including All Activities, Activity Demand Workbench, Activity Resource Workbench, Activity Scheduling, and Load Building Workbench.

Consolidate Shipments

This functionality also allows you to consolidate shipments to a single load if the equivalent logistics orders have been loaded to the same activity.

When Activity to Load is executed:

  • Shipments that are open and unassigned are assigned to loads if their equivalent logistics order is on an activity.
  • Activities that have multiple loads with assigned shipments, as well as shipments without loads, are consolidated onto an appropriate load.

Split Shipments

This functionality allows you to split off handling unit/load lines that are not paired to the activity.

When Activity to Load is executed:

  • The system checks if all handling units for the associated logistics lines have been paired to the activity.
  • Any handing units that were split off the activity are taken off the accompanying shipment and added to a new load.
  • A split off order and its lines are updated according to the selected Operation Parameters statuses.


This feature works with D365 base CONFIRM and TRANSFER functionality.

Process Activity to Load

Logistics Execution > Periodic > Process Activity to Load

Use the Process Activity to Load periodic job to automate the Activity to Load process and to run it in batch.

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