Shipping Carriers

Transportation management > Setup > Carriers > Shipping carriers

The Transport + Deliver integration controls are specific to each shipping carrier.


The Services FastTab allows you to create capacity for third-party and/or private fleet carriers.

  • Private Fleet Capacity: The Capacity field auto-populates with a count of the assets (that hold inventory) for the chosen carrier services operation. 
  • Third-Party Capacity: Enter a number greater than zero to set your third-party capacity.

You can then view capacity on the Rate Route Workbench.

Logistics Execution

The Logistics Execution FastTab offers these controls:

Set Transportation Logistics StatusClick this button to open the Transportation Logistics Status form (see below).
Logistics Execution EnabledTurn on this toggle to create logistics orders in Transport + Deliver for shipments using this carrier.
Logistics Interface LevelSelect the level for auto-created logistics orders: Order or Shipment.
Interface Shipment StatusSelect the shipment status that triggers the interface with Transport + Deliver.
Handling Unit Shipment StatusSelect the shipment status for handling units interfaced with Transport + Deliver.
Is Third Party?Turn on this toggle if the carrier is considered a third-party carrier.

Transportation Logistics Status

Click Set Transportation Logistics Status to open the Transportation Logistics Status form.

Logistics Load Status

Use this section to configure the activity status based off the load status.

Any status changes are then pushed to Transportation + Deliver.

Logistics Shipment Status

Use this section to decide which shipment statuses coordinate with which logistics order/order lines statuses.


When a shipment moves to an Open status, the associated logistics order/order lines move to a New status.

When the shipment moves forward to In Process, the logistics order/order lines move to a similar status, such as Picking/Pulling.

Mode of Delivery

For the shipping carrier integration to work properly, Transport + Deliver also needs a mode of delivery.

Associate the mode of delivery with customers so that when a sales order is created, the customer mode of delivery is automatically attached to the order.

Shipping Carriers

Modes of delivery are created when a new record is populated in the Services section of the Shipping carriers form.


You can set your operation on the Modes of delivery form (Sales and Marketing > Setup > Distribution > Modes of delivery).

If it is not set here, the system looks at the warehouse configuration.

Change Mode of Delivery

Click Change mode of delivery on the ribbon of the activity forms and workbenches to change warehouse-based demand on an activity to a different mode of delivery.


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