Dry Ice

Dry Ice

Dry Ice

Supply Chain Cloud allows you to enable dry ice functionality at the container-type level.

Container Types

Warehouse management > Setup > Containers > Container types

Configure a container type to be used for shipments that require dry ice.

Turn on the Prompt for Dry Ice toggle on the Hazardous Materials FastTab to trigger a dry ice prompt during the close container process.

Pack Station

You need to record how much dry ice is in your container(s).

Enter your packing details and click Close container to open the Close container flyout window.

Close Container

Turn on the Dry Ice toggle to enable the Dry Ice Weight field.

Enter the amount of dry ice for the container in kilograms.

Click Pack.


Transportation management > Periodic tasks > Transactions

Search for the key value "DryIceWeightKg" in requests on the Transactions form to identify the dry ice container.

If you have multiple containers, each container displays the dry ice key value in the transaction. 


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