Hours of Service Constraints

Hours of Service Constraints

Logistics Execution > Setup > Constraints > Hours of Service Constraints

Hours of service constraints are checked during pairing (or when the requested start date time/requested end date time changes) to help you avoid overscheduling a worker.

They are configured per operation. Multiple constraints can be configured.

OperationThe operation for the hours of service constraint.
Worker Logistics TypeThe logistics type for the worker type being calculated.
Task Specific

Turn on this toggle to indicate that the constraint is against a specific task. 

If the toggle is on, the Hours of Service Task field must be specified.

Hours of Service TaskSpecifies the hours of service task to validate against for a task-specific constraint.
Hour Period Options

Determines how many hours are applied to the constraint:

  • Custom: You can change the Hour Period field to any integer.
  • Day: Populates the Hour Period field with "24."
  • Week: Populates the Hour Period field with "168."
  • Month: Populates the Hour Period field with "720."
Hour PeriodSpecifies the number of hours the constraint calculates over.
Maximum HoursThe maximum number of hours of work (or for the specific hours of service task) that can accumulate over the current hour period before validation fails during activity validation.
Warn HoursThe maximum number of hours of work (or for the specific hours of service task) that can accumulate over the current hour period before a warning is produced during activity validation.
Hours of Service Constraint TextA text description of how the hours of service constraint will calculate.

Pairing Validation

During pairing or activity validation (depending on when Requested Date/Time fields are filled/changed), hours of service constraints are checked.

  • If a constraint fails, you are notified.
  • If the warning level is reached, a message is produced, but pairing continues.
  • If the maximum level is reached, worker pairing does not complete.

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