

Logistics Execution > Setup > Inspections

There are several configurations to customize the way you conduct inspections.

Inspections have types and codes, which allow you to classify the inspection record.

You can conduct an inspection from the Inspection Log or use the Inspection action from a mobile device that points back to the program database.

Inspection Types

Logistics Execution > Setup > Inspections > Inspection Types

Inspection types are categories that contain an unlimited number of inspection codes.

When conducting an inspection, the inspection type is determined at the header level. Available inspection codes at the line level are dependent upon the inspection type at the header level.

Inspection Codes

Logistics Execution > Setup > Inspections > Inspection Codes

Inspection codes are the procedures workers engage in to check inventory. They help users verify that each piece of inventory is in good condition.

The code includes a description and a category.

The category options are Text and Options. You can adapt this to fit the check types needed on the inventory.

In the example below, the transported inventory is vehicle related. A worker spots damage and so reports the vehicle part damaged using the AREA inspection code.

Inspection Action

Logistics Execution > Common > Activities >  All Activities > Activity Maintenance tab > Inspection

The Inspection action opens the Action Execute Inspection flyout window, which offers the same functionality as the full page in a different format. You can still create records using inspection types and codes.

Additionally, you can attach comments to individual inspection records. Each record has an assigned worker and a date/time stamp.

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