Collection Data Types

Collection Data Types

Collection data types are data that a worker (or system) records at points throughout an activity.

They are meant to communicate with an external device. However, you may also input the information on the Activity Maintenance form.


A refrigerated trailer must sustain a certain temperature throughout an activity. You can set up collection data types to force the driver to maintain a temperature record at different points during the activity.

Activity Collection Data Types

Logistics Execution > Setup > Activity Collection Data Types

Create collection data types on the Activity Collection Data Types form.

You can add a description, and you are required to select a data type.

Data types include:

  • Integer
  • Real
  • String
  • Boolean

Selected a data type appropriate for the data being captured.

Activity Templates

Logistics Execution > Setup > Activities & Actions > Activity Templates

Assign collection data types to an activity template on the Activity Templates form. 

Once attached, the collection data type can be recorded on activities using that particular activity template.

Collection Data Types Section

Activity Collection Data TypeThe name of the collection data type attached to the activity template.
DescriptionA description of the collection data type. 
Collection Time

Determines at what point the information should be recorded:

  • Activity: Collection data should be input at the activity level (by the time it is being completed).
  • Stop: Collection data should be input when each stop has been completed.

Select this checkbox to require collection data input. Finalization is not allowed if the data is missing and this checkbox is selected.

If this checkbox is cleared, collection data is voluntary.

Viewing and Maintaining Collection Data

Logistics Execution > Common > Activities > Activity Maintenance

You can view and maintain results on the activity after collection data has been input.

Collection data can be recorded at either the activity or stop level. Because it can be input at either level, it can be maintained at either level.

To maintain collection data at the activity level, click Collection Data on the ribbon.

To maintain collection data at the stop level, select the desired line in the Activity Lines section and click Collection Data.

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