

Logistics Execution > Setup > Network > Operations

An operation is an organizational structure that represents a given method of executing logistics based on transactions.

Operations have a hierarchical structure, similar to logistics types.

Within the operational hierarchy, the highest parent type serves as the conceptual operation (e.g., LTL, TL, Dedicated, etc.), constraining elements within the structure.

Header Section

Operation IDName of the operation.
DescriptionDescription of the operation.
Logistics TypeDefines the assigned logistics type for this operation (and its associated attributes and constraints).


Identifies the company associated with the operation.

Distance Unit

Unit that distance is calculated in.

General Section

Party NameThe party name associated with the operation.
OwnerIdentifies the primary contact for the operation.
InactiveTurn on this toggle to mark the operation as inactive.
Parent OperationIdentifies the parent operation of the selected operation within the hierarchy.

Addresses Section

This section displays a list of editable operational addresses.

Related Addresses Section

This section displays a list of related addresses based on the associated operation and facility addresses.

Attributes Section

This section displays the attributes inherited from the operation's logistics type.

Facilities Section

This section displays a list of editable related facilities.

Activity Masters Section

This section displays a list of activity masters permitted for use in the operation.

Logistics Order Types Section

This section displays a list of the logistics order types permitted for use in this operation.

Owned Assets Section

This section displays a list of assets that fall under the selected home operation.

Workers Section

This section displays a list of workers who can work on the operation.


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