Activity Plan Configuration

Activity Plan Configuration

Logistics Execution > Setup > Scheduling > Activity Plan Config

There are several configuration options for each schedule.

Header Section

NameThe unique identifier for the activity plan.
DescriptionA description of the activity plan.
OperationThe associated operation.
Activity TemplateThe associated activity template.
Start AddressThe starting address for the activity plan.
End AddressThe ending address for the activity plan.
Route ID

The external system's route identifier, if applicable.

This field is currently used to interface D365 to an external system's trip ID, such as Qualcomm.

Requested Start TimeThe requested start time for the activity plan.
Requested End TimeThe requested end time for the activity plan.
Requested Number of DaysThe requested number of days for the activity plan.

Build Options

Auto StartTurn on this toggle to auto-start the activity as soon as it is generated.
Default WorkerThe default worker assigned to the activity plan.
Complete In Process Predecessors

Turn on this toggle to automatically complete any schedule-created activities that have been processed to any extent and any schedule-generated demand (logistics orders) every time the schedule is executed.

Purge Unused Predecessors

Turn on this toggle to delete any schedule-created activities that were never acted upon (no status change from default activity status) and any schedule-generated demand (logistics orders) every time the schedule is executed. 

Activity Complete Status

Select the status that activities are automatically set to if the Complete In Process Predecessors toggle is turned on. 

If this field is not set, the Default Complete status is used by the Status Groups configuration.

Logistics Order Complete Status

Select the status that logistics orders are automatically set to if the Complete In Process Predecessors toggle is turned on.

If this field is not set, Default Complete status is used by the Status Groups configuration.

Logistics Line Complete Status

Select the status that logistics order lines are automatically set to if the Complete In Process Predecessors toggle is turned on.

If this field is not set, the status configured on the related Activity Master is used.

Routing Mode

Turn on this toggle to check for similar demand to add within the chosen service area.

Sustainability: Reduce Transportation

Consolidate demand by customer, destination, and/or service area to reduce the amount of planned routes.

The consolidated orders are automatically paired to the same activity.

See Sustainability with Supply Chain Cloud for more information.

Add Demand in Service Area

Turn on this toggle to add the demand to a service area.

Service Area GroupThe associated service area group.
Service AreaThe associated service area.

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