Blind Consolidation Template
Blind Consolidation Template
Logistics Execution > Setup > Blind Consolidation > Blind Consolidation Template
The Blind Consolidation Template allows you to group inbound units together based on set strategies.
The generated handling units appear on the Blind Consolidation Queue.
Blind Consolidation Template ID | The template name. |
Description | A description of the template. |
Logistics Type | The related logistics order logistics type. Note The handling unit logistics type is set when using blind consolidation from the Deliver Mobile App. |
Logistics Order Creation Strategy | The strategy used to create and consolidate logistics orders:
Scan Mask Template ID | The Scan Mask Template to use with this template. |
Scan mask default value | The default value to use if the scan mask does not return a usable value. |
When scanning inbound items, the system checks two things:
- How do I consolidate units for a given logistics orders?
By default, units are consolidated on the same order based on matching destinations.
To match against a destination, the scanned value must match the name of an address record in D365.
- Your creation strategy can further consolidate by destination per day or per destination activity (e.g., a logistics order is created when units are scanned on a different day or for a different inbound activity).
- Example 1: You unload units for a trailer (i.e., inbound activity). Immediately after, you begin unloading units for a different trailer and want to consolidate those units to a different order.
- Example 2: You unload units today and do not want to consolidate those with units unloaded on previous days.
- Do you have Position Assignment set up?
- If so, you can use Dock Management to scan items and put them into specified positions.
, multiple selections available,
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