Table of Contents
Demand channel template
Channel budget
Channel safety net
Channel demand
Channel Budgets
Channel budget form
Budget item group
Create budget item group lines
Customer budget group
Budget configuration history
Channel Safety Nets
Channel Assignment
Demand channel designation template
Sort demand to channel
Demand designation history
Validate assigned channel demand
Reservation template
Run demand reservations
Demand reservation history
Budget exception dashboard
Budget tracking
Budget maintenance
Process budget exceptions
Always substitute
Availability shortage
Manual substitution
Distinct item substitution
Item group substitution
Item substitution action message
Item substitution history
Demand Validation
Validation reason code
Demand validation policy
Credit check demand validation
Customer PO demand validation
Past due invoice demand validation
Demand validation policy group
Demand validation history
Demand validation exception
Process demand validation exceptions
Manual demand validation
Credit check revalidation
Customer PO revalidation
Past Due Invoices revalidation
Demand Sourcing
Sourcing policy
Warehouse Item Inclusion
Source sales lines
Manual demand sourcing from Sales Order
Demand sourcing history
Global Parameters
Global order promising parameters
General tab
Number sequences tab
GOP Workspaces
Channel management
Data Cleanup and Maintenance
Demand designation history cleanup
Demand reservation history cleanup
Item substitution history cleanup
Demand sourcing history cleanup
Demand validation history cleanup
Budget configuration history cleanup
Budget exception cleanup
Demand validation exception cleanup
Channel demand cleanup
Global Order Promising for Dynamics 365 offers a single vision of your organization's global supply and demand chain, allowing accurate, reliable, real-time commitments to your customers. Take control of your Order Orchestration process to optimize your enterprise fulfilment strategies across multiple companies, multiple channels and multiple warehouses with this single application.
GOP allows the definition of Demand Channels to segregate and define fulfillment demand. Demand can then be assigned to those channels.
Options then exist to control how inventory is reserved by following rules associated with those Demand Channels. This will give the user much more control to how inventory is being reserved to their different fulfillment channels much more than the base D365 reservation process (which will just reserve inventory on a first-come-first-serve basis). GOP can prioritize the Channels, associate budgets and safety stock as well as help handle the exceptions that come up along the way.