Mobile Permissions

Logistics Execution > Setup > Workers > Profiles > Mobile Permissions button

Click Mobile Permissions on the ribbon to configure which mobile pages are accessible by an operation profile.


  • Enabling mobile permissions here replaces the Operation Parameters setup that was required for the Deliver Mobile App.
  • If an operation profile does not have mobile permissions enabled for a node, that user cannot view or use that mobile page.

You can configure permissions for all five nodes:

  • Navigation

  • Activity Details

  • Order Details

  • Activity Handling Unit Details

  • Activity

These nodes correlate to their corresponding mobile pages. 

Right-click a node to add additional features to that mobile page.

Mobile Permissions Nodes


Navigation is the main landing page for the Deliver application.

Once a connection is established, this is the home page for the app.

From here, configure Connections and User Settings, or navigate to the Driver and Dock modes.

DriverEnable Driver functionality.
DockEnable Dock functionality.
User SettingsEnable settings for the selected user.
 Activity Details

Activity details are accessible from both Dock and Driver modes.

The Activity Details form displays once you select an activity from the list.

Blind UnloadEnable Blind Unload functionality.

Enable the Load action.

Set Verify Position to Yes to force the user to do a confirmation scan when loading units.


Enable the Unload action.

Set Verify Position to Yes to force the user to do a confirmation scan when unloading units.

InspectionEnable Inspection functionality.
TasksEnable Tasks functionality.
Power Apps

Enable Power Apps functionality.

The Mobile Power App Group sets which Power Apps are available from this page.

 Order Details

The Order Details page displays when you select view details for a given stop.

It is accessible from both Dock and Driver modes.


Enable the Load action.

Set Verify Position to Yes to force the user to do a confirmation scan when loading units.


Enable the Unload action.

Set Verify Position to Yes to force the user to do a confirmation scan when unloading units.


Enable the Transfer action.

Set Verify Position to Yes to force the user to do a confirmation scan when transferring units.

PrintEnable printing a label or document for the given order.
DamageEnable Damage functionality.
Handling Unit InquiryEnable Handling Unit Inquiry functionality.
Change ParentEnable the user to change or add a parent handling unit.
InspectionEnable Inspection functionality.
TasksEnable Tasks functionality.
Power Apps

Enable Power Apps functionality.

The Mobile Power App Group sets which Power Apps are available from this page.

 Activity Handling Unit Details

The Activity Handling Unit Details page is accessible from Dock mode by scanning a handling unit ID.

Handling Unit InquiryEnable Handling Unit Inquiry functionality.
Power Apps

Enable Power Apps functionality.

The Mobile Power App Group sets which Power Apps are available from this page.


The Activity List page displays all activities for either Driver or Dock mode, depending on the selected functionality.

Power Apps

Enable Power Apps functionality.

The Mobile Power App Group sets which Power Apps are available from this page.


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